
Zakaj sem ustanovila zavod in ne podjetje in kako ga ustanoviti?

Zavod sem prvič ustanovila septembra 2015, ponovno pa januarja 2016. Ta blog je namenjen vsem, ki boste kdaj ustanavljali zavod ali pa se boste odločali, katera pravno-organizacijska oblika je za vas najbolj primerna (zavod, podjetje, društvo …). Poudarila bi rada tudi to, da nisem pravnik, torej je možno, da bodo nekatere stvari, ki jih bom napisala, napačne v smislu pravnih izrazov ipd. Nekaj ozadja o zavodih imam iz magistrskega študija sociologije, kjer sem obiskovala modul Upravljanje neprofitnih organizacij. Veseli me, da sem teorijo iz FDV pretvorila v prakso. :)

Kaj je zavod?

Zavod je pravnoorganizacijska oblika, ki spada med neprofitne oblike organizacij. Torej, je v isti kategoriji kot društvo, ustanova ali zadruga, po svojem delovanju pa je od vseh neprofitnih oblik še najbližje delovanju podjetja - tudi zavod ima direktorja ipd. Več o zavodih in vodilih delovanja lahko preberete v zakonu o zavodih.

Kaj je razlika med javnim in zasebnim zavodom?
Javni zavod ustanovi država, to je npr. šola, vrtec, bolnišnica. Zasebni zavod lahko ustanovi posameznik. Ta blog torej govori o ustanovitvi zasebnega zavoda.

Kaj je ena izmed ključnih razlik med zavodom, neprofitno in podjetjem, profitno pravno-organizacijsko obliko?

Verjetno ste ob omembi besede “neprofitno” že dobili nekaj asociacij, ki zaznamujejo neprofitni sektor: prostovoljstvo, brez ali malo denarja, neprofesionalnost, nekaj, kar počneš v prostem času. Percepcija neprofitnih organizacij v Sloveniji vsekakor ni najboljša, to pa je po mojem mnenju privedlo do dveh posledic:
  1. popačeno razumevanje besede neprofitno
  2. pomanjkanje sposobnih ljudi, ki ustanovijo zavod (v celotni startup-maniji v Sloveniji še nisem zasledila, da bi kdo spodbujal ustanavljanje neprofitnih pravo-organizacijskih oblik (izjema je socialno podjetje)
  3. kadar nekdo razmišlja o tem, da bo realiziral svojo idejo, se ne odloča med tem, ali bo ustanovil zavod ali podjetje, gre prej za odločitev, ali bo ustanovil d.o.o. ali s.p.

To, da je zavod neprofitna pravno-organizacijska oblika pomeni, da svoj profit vlagaš nazaj v zavod - v razvoj novih programov, uresničevanje vizije, izobraževanje ekipe, širitev zavoda ipd. Vse to počnejo tudi podjetja. Razlika je v tem, da je osnovni namen podjetja profit, pri zavodu pa je osnovni namen uresničevanje vizije zavoda, npr. izobraževanje mladih.

Če ima podjetje 50.000 eur profita, si lahko direktor poviša plačo, izplača dodatek, skratka sam razporeja denar. Če ima zavod 50.000 eur profita, zavod to vloži v nadaljnji razvoj zavoda, torej se npr. izvaja nove projekte, zaposli dodatno osebo, izobražuje vodstvo zavoda. To seveda ne pomeni, da osebe, vplete v zavod, nimajo plače. Plača je strošek, tako kot pri podjetju in tudi zavod ima lahko zaposlene.

Razlika je tudi v tem, kako se lahko zgodba direktorja podjetja ali zavoda konča. Če nekdo zapusti podjetje, ga običajno proda in zasluži. Če nekdo zapusti zavod, imenuje drugega direktorja in stvari tečejo naprej - brez dobrega zaslužka direktorja ob koncu zgodbe. To je posledica osnovnega namena ustanovitve, saj pri ustanovitvi podjetja ciljamo na profit, pri ustanoviti zavoda pa na uresničevanje vizije. Tudi podjetja imajo seveda svojo vizijo, ki jo uresničujejo, kljub temu pa je profit vedno pred to vizijo. Ne glede na to, koliko Red bull naredi na področju adrenalinskih športov, je njihov glavni namen še vedno profit. Tako kot vsa izjemno dobrodelna in družbeno odgovorna podjetja, ki kar 5 % svojega profita vlagajo v razvoj družbe in podpirajo različne projekte. Zavodi in ostale neprofitne organizacije 100 % svojega profita vlagajo v razvoj družbe, v uresničevanje svoje vizije.

V katerem primeru torej raje ustanoviti zavod kot podjetje?
  • če je vaš osnovni namen uresničevanje vizije, ki je koristna za družbo in ne profit
  • če bi se radi prijavljali na javne razpise in se financirali tudi iz državnih sredstev (občinski razpisi, Erasmus plus ipd.), na katere se podjetja večinoma ne morejo prijavljati
  • če si želite sodelovanja z različnimi neprofitnimi organizacijami
  • če je to v skladu z vašimi vrednotami

Kako ustanoviti zavod?

Najboljša stran za ustanovitev zavoda je CNVOS, kjer najdete vse dokumente, ki jih potrebujete za zavod oziroma izpolnete podatke o direktorju in ustanovitelju in potem vam CNVOS sam ustvari dokumente, ki jih morate oddati. Če imate kakšno krajše vprašanje, jih lahko tudi pokličete in z veseljem vam pomagajo pri ustanovitvi. Hvala, CNVOS! :)

Dokumenti, ki jih morate oddati na okrožno sodišče:

1. Izvirnik akta o ustanovitvi, z overjenim podpisom ustanovitelja (overi na upravni enoti)
2. Dokazilo o zagotovljenih sredstvih (dobiš na banki ob odprtju prehodnega računa, moreš pa na banko z vsemi ostalimi natisnjenimi dokumenti, da potrdilo sploh dobiš, prisoten mora biti samo ustanovitelj)
3. Sklep ustanovitelja o imenovanju direktorja
4. Soglasje direktorja k imenovanju
5. Soglasje lastnika nepremičnine za poslovanje zavodu na naslovu xx
6. Predlog določitve šifre glave dejavnosti
Ustanovitev zavoda je precej enostavna. Po tem, ko ste razvili vizijo zavoda, lahko zavod tudi uradno ustanovite. Potrebujete dve osebi, ki sta uradno vpleteni in dve uri časa, da izpolnete vse papirje in še eno uro časa, da greste na upravno enoto overiti dokumente, na banko odpreti začasni bančni račun in oddati vse skupaj na sodišče. Potrebujete tudi 100 eur, kar je minimalni začetni vložek, ki ga morate položiti na bančni račun. Priporočam naslednjo pot: upravna enota - Tobačna, banka - delavska hranilnica na Miklošičevi, potem pa imate 500 metrov stran sodišče, kamor sem sama kar osebno odnesla kuverto z vsemi dokumenti. Potem počakaš cca. 10 dni in dobiš ali potrditev, da je zavod ustanovljen, ali pa zahtevek za dopolnitev dokumentov. Ko imaš potrditev o tem, da je zavod ustanovljen, greš ponovno na banko, kjer naročiš bančno kartico in urediš spletno plačevanje, saj ti šele v tem trenutku lahko odprejo dejanski bančni račun. Vsi stroški ustanovitve zavoda: 100 eur - polog na bančni račun, 1,2 eur - overitev dokumenta na upravni enoti, nekaj evrov za odprtje bančnega računa - na Delavski hranilnici je vodenje računa prvo leto brezplačno.

Kako si v zavodu lahko izplačuješ plačo?
Zavod je samo pravno-organizacijska oblika. Še vedno potrebuješ način izplačevanja honorarja, enako, kot pri podjetju. Lahko se torej zaposliš, imaš svoj s.p., avtorsko, podjemo pogodbo, študentski servis ipd. Enako kot pri podjetju. Ne potrebuješ pa nobenega zaposlenega - lahko zavod vodita npr. študent in brezposelna oseba, in denar izplačuješ preko študentske napotnice in avtorske pogodbe. Ko imaš kot zavod dovolj prihodkov, pa  lahko, če želiš, koga tudi zaposliš v zavodu. Glede na to, da se neprofiten, obstajajo določene omejitve glede višine plače - ne moreš si torej nakazovati 5000 eur plače, ampak imaš lahko plačo, primerno glede na stopnjo tvoje izobrazbe in glede na povprečje v sektorju. Vem, da omejitve obstajajo, ne znam pa povedati, kakšna točno je meja. Ne glede na vse - glede na to, da je namen zavoda neprofiten, se tako ali tako ne pričakuje, da bi imel kdo zares visoko plačo in večina zaposlenih v zavodih, ki jih poznam, ima minimalno plačo.

Kakšen je strošek tega, da imaš zavod?
Ustanovitveni kapital 100 eur na bančni račun in računovodstvo. Strošek računovodstva je odvisen od tega, kako aktivni vse v smislu, koliko računov izdate ipd. Če imate manjše število računov, lahko ob koncu leta dobite bilanco za cca. 200 eur. Mi se na začetku nismo odločile za računovodstvo, saj nismo imele veliko računov in bi nam strošek cca. 50 eur mesečno za računovodstvo predstavljal že precej velik strošek. Pri zavodu gre za dvostavčno računovodstvo, torej je bolj komplicirano, kot pri s.p.-ju, kjer je enostavčno in to lahko vodiš sam. Rekla bi, da je to največji minus ustanovitve zavoda, saj je na začetku vsak strošek, ki ga imaš, odveč. Res pa je, da ob ustanovitvi s.p.-ja plačuješ mesečne prispevke cca. 300 eur na začetku. Pri zavodu ne plačuješ nobenih posebnih prispevkov za sam zavod, moreš pa seveda imeti način, kako si denar potem izplačaš.

Kdo je lahko v zavodu direktor in kdo ustanovitelj?
Direktor zavoda je lahko skoraj kdorkoli, v smislu redno zaposlena oseba, brezposelna oseba, študent, s-p.-jevec, neregistrirana brezposlena oseba ipd.
Ustanovitelj zavoda pa je lahko samo oseba, ki že plačuje prispevke, torej zaposlena oseba ali nekdo, ki ima s.p. V primeru, da študent ali brezposelna oseba postane ustanovitelj, mora plačevati neke stroške zavarovanja, kar znese približno 150 eur mesečno. Seveda se tega raje izognete tako, da za ustanovitelja napišete prijatelja ali družinskega člana, ki je zaposlen. Kje bi lahko našli karkoli napisanega glede statusa ustanovitelja, ne vem - v zakonu tega vsekakor ni, gre le za vire nekaj oseb, ki vodijo zavod in nekaj omemb na spletu. V zavodu imaš lahko še strokovni svet, ampak za ustanovitev zavoda to ni obvezen element v smislu, da moraš poimensko koga imenovati. Poleg direktorja in ustanovitelja potrebuješ tudi naslov, kjer je zavod lahko registriran. Ni potrebno, da je to prostor s pisarnami, to je lahko dom tvojih staršev ipd.

Upam, da sem komu razjasnila pojem neprofitnosti in delovanja zavoda in da bo kdo prihranil nekaj časa pri ustanovitvi zavoda. Sama sem pred prvo ustanovitvijo zavoda porabila nekaj ur, da sem prebrala zakon o zavodih, priročnik za ustanovitev na Metini listi, CNVOS-ev epravnik. 
Več o Zavodu za (st)rast posameznikov in razvoj družbe ImpACT pa … kmalu. :)


My 2 minutes as a bird @ Aeroduim Slovenia

First time I heard of an aerodium, I was at the Brussels Charleroi airport, since aerodium is right next to it. In October I noticed that an aerodium is coming to Slovenia in December. Of course, I had to try it out as soon as possible. Jošt’s birthday was a perfect opportunity to have a memorable day, do sth crazy, new and fun together.

How my my experience of the Aerodium Slovenia? Overall, I totally recommend it. It’s a must and it was on my bucket list. Flying is awesome and they’ll see me again in the summer. :)

This is a video of our first flying experience. You can see, that for most of the time, we’re trying to find the correct position. Only towards the end, we started controlling our body position, so that we could’ve fly on our own. Unfortunately, I don’t have a video of our second entry.

Where is Aerodium Slovenia and how to get there?

Finding the place is really easy. Drive from Ljubljana to Logatec for 30 minutes, leave the highway, go straight, turn right at “industrijska cona” sign and follow the signs for Aerodium. If you’re not from Slovenia, you can use prevoz.org (car sharing) for easiest and cheapest way to Logatec. Just tell the driver to drop you off at “industrijska cona” and then you can walk for 10 minutes.

How much does it cost?

Check the price list here. We paid 80 eur for 2 people (4+2 minutes), since we decided for Thursday promotion for couples. Basic price is 45 eur for 2 minutes, but you really have to take 4 minutes (2 entries). With 2nd entry, you become much more confident and you control your flying position quickly. You can then really start enjoying and moving around. At my 1st entry, I was mostly finding the correct position with my instructor and everything was new - wind blowing in my face, cold, flying etc. Too many thing to focus on flying and trying out new things. Second entry was so much better! :D

Visit the place in spring, summer or autumn

Cold wind? What? Yes, the place is inside, but it’s connected to the outdoors. Since we visited the place in January, it felt like the wind blowing in your face with 200km/h at 0 degrees. Not the best feeling ever, at least for me it was quite disturbing. In the summer, opening hours will also be longer - until the sun goes down.

How much time do you need?

Organization at the place was a bit messy, since they just opened the place 3 weeks ago. We arrived at 3pm and for few minutes of flying we spent almost 3 hours. At first, they said we’ll start a bit late, since they had to remove the snow and then around 15 people had to fly before our turn. It’s good we weren’t in a hurry, so we waited in a bar, so it wasn’t a problem at all. But, don’t plan sth an hour after your scheduled flight - it might get delayed, just like at the airport. :)

Is it safe?

Yes. I felt 100 % safe at all times. The instructor is in the flying zone with you and he’s taking care of your body position. You also control it on your own and even if you’d do sth unexpected with your body, instructor will bring you back to the correct position. There’s also another person controlling the power of the wind (when you go inside, it’s on 70 % and then it depends on your weight too). So, if you would somehow start falling down, he would increase the wind power and it would hold you up. At least that’s how I understood the whole thing. You also attend a group briefing before you fly, where you watch a video and then try out the optimal flying position. Staff is very professional and we had a lot of fun with our instructor, Mare.

Bring someone with you to take pictures

We couldn’t take any pictures, since we were in the zone of the tunnel at the same time and you can’t go in and out, when it’s turned on. They offer video for 15 euros and no pictures. I’m sure they’ll come up with a better business model soon. :)

Do you need anything?

Wear comfortable clothes, that you can wear under the suit you get at the Aerodium. Wear comfortable shoes (definitely not winter boots or high heels, luckily they also borrow sport shoes if you don’t have them). You also get protection glasses, a helmet, earplugs and gloves. You just need some balls. :)

Go, fly, become a bird for a day. Or actually, for few minutes. :D


Taking care of relationships & keeping in touch

During Xmas holidays I watched a TED talk, that had a huge impact on me. Robert Waldinger shared a summary of a 75-year-long study on happiness.

So, what really makes us happy? It's pretty simple and far from becoming rich or famous. Good relationships make us happier and healthier, being socially connected to family, friends, community, also the quality of close relationships. Good life is built through good relationships.

It’s not like this was sth totally new for me. I just think that the weight of the data - 75 years - is what impacted me so much. I thought about it for few days. So, what were some concrete actions I took?
I didn’t make a plan how to get new friends, since I barely find time to keep in touch with my existing relationships. I was thinking about the quality of my relationships and how I can deepen them.  

1. I made xmas gifts for all my friends. The gift was printed Year compass, small booklet that makes you reflect on 2015 and plan 2016. I love it, since it shows my values and what I find important and it also encourages my friends to relfect & plan. Reactions to the gift were really positive and it's great, since I was able to give a small gift to all of my friends (baking cookies is getting a bit old, right?).

2. I organized a home party. Sometimes I didn’t feel like hosting one – you have to invest some money, tidy up, wake up in the morning to a mess, tidy up again. But ... the shitty part of a home party lasts around 2 hours (shopping + cleaning), but a good party usually lasts much longer. I will organize a lot of parties in 2016, I love it! :)

3. I messaged my foreign friends that I have on Facebook and haven’t talk to in a while with a summary of my 2015. I sent around 35 messages, all the same, starting with
“Hi _____, I’m sending this to everyone I wish to keep in touch with. /Summary of 2015 - personal, honest, including professional and personal aspects/. I ended with “How was your 2015? It would be great to hear back from you.”
The response I got was amazing - people I haven’t spoken to in 3 years responded in a few minutes. I will do this every year. I also learned sth even more amazing. When you are honest and personal and you share the good and the bad, people become honest and personal too. I'm sure I learned much more about my foreign friends life, then I would, if I'd contact them on Facebook with "Happy 2016, how are you?"
Sending quite personal summary of my 2015 was defenitely out of my comfort zone. But I totally recommend it to everyone, it's also a great way to keep in touch with people, that you meet on international events, where you become friends in few days and then loose touch. Dan, thank you for inspiring me with your yearly letter to your friends thingy. :)

4. I made a list of people that live in Slovenia, that I haven’t seen in a while, and that I wish to keep in touch with. I invited them for a coffee. Every one said yes. I can't wait to see them and catch up.

5. I started sharing more personal things with my family, telling them about good and bad things, that are happening in my life. I think I haven’t had that good of a relationship with my parents since I was a little kid. It’s far from perfect, but it has improved a lot. Moving out helped a lot too. :)

6. Doing cute small things for my boyfriend. For example, when we went travelling, I prepared an envelope with challenges we can take during the trip and that can bring us even closer together. One of the challenges was to write how we feel about our relationship. Another one was staring in each other’s eyes for half an hour. Both left me crying. :)

7. When someone suggested to meet up, I said yes. Always being too busy for people around you does not bring anything good.

Do you have any great ways to keep your relationships healthy and happy? I’d be thrilled to get some more ideas.  


Good moments box

End of the year (or any other time) is always a great time to reflect on everything you’ve been doing so far. What makes you happy? What makes you unhappy? What do you want to change in the next year?

I think this year is the first time ever, that I actually started sth on 1st January 2015 and kept the habit. In 2015, I was writing down good moments. Actually, I wrote 274 good moments.
From small things, like drinking a great cup of coffee, to bigger things, like realizing a new idea. The number of written good moments actually reflects the way I felt at certain times of the year really well. I wrote from 12 to 52 good moments per month, with average of 23 good moments.

 My good moments box

I already tried writing down good moments in 2014, but I only did it for 4 months on a couple of occasions. What changed? I realized the environment is really important. My box is in the kitchen, on the microwave, that I use every day to make my coffee/tea. So I constantly see it and I'm reminded of it. The second important element: having post-its and a pen available at all times.

I love my good moments box, since
  1. thinking about good moments at the end of each day makes you happier,
  2. you can become more aware of what makes you happy and this way you can increase your happiness.

Box opening & reading good moments day


On a Christmasy sunday morning, I sat down in my living room with my boyfriend and my best friend. I opened the box. I was looking forward to this all year long.


Being as structured as I am, I couldn’t just randomly start reading them. So, I took them out and made my year path from month to month. I counted the number of good moments for each month and read them out loud. After the big picture overview, I wanted to go deeper. So, I asked myself two questions. Who makes me happy? What makes me happy?

I was already quite aware of the answers before making the analysis. Still, some small things surprised me and I’m glad that I invested a Sunday afternoon in this. To answer the question who makes me happy, each time a person was mentioned, I made a mark by their name. What makes me happy was tricky, since things overlap. One event can cover several categories: socializing, eating good food, playing board games, trying out new things, having interesting conversations … Well, I didn’t want to overcomplicate things and somehow I made the analysis.

I'm really glad that I went on with writing good moments for the whole year. I will keep the habit in the next year. I also plan on changing some things:
  1. This year I mostly used post-its. Without ever planning to post them somewhere. I’m switching to small beautiful colorful papers (thank you Alenka).
  2. I will have a reminder in my calendar, asking me about my good moments each day. I did it quite regularly this year, but for sure I missed some of them.
  3. I will open the box after each month and evaluate how I spent my time. This year, I only had a sneak peek after 6 months, but it would actually make sense to re-check my happiness more often, so that I can make changes faster.

I will also keep some things:
  1. I will keep on mentioning small things, because they matter. Like receiving a text from a friend you haven’t heard from in a while. Or waking up to a snowy morning. Or having a proper cup of coffee.
  2. I will keep the same box, I will just change the title to 2016. I will keep it in the same place, on my microwave, since this way it’s hard to forget about it. Also, I will always have paper and pen available there.
  3. I will keep on writing dates on the papers, to know when a certain good moment happened.

For sure there is a mobile app for that, since there is a mobile app for everything. I prefer paper and I plan to save all 2015 good moments in a big envelope, so I can come back to it in a few years and for sure I’ll remember much more about 2015 then I would otherwise. I hope I inspired some of you to give good moments of 2016 a try and if you have any ideas, how to make this even better, please share your ideas.